Thursday, September 16, 2010

First Signs Of Aging Cream

The plastic packaging was fantastic

Nearly 2 million tonnes per year in France, only 20% are recycled. There is no mention probably not enough though with plastic packaging such figures, they represent a real challenge in terms of cost and environmental impact.

Consider some illustrative figures.

Over 40% of the plastics consumed in France and Europe is packaging and we do not reuse the vast majority. 80% of them end their lives so incinerator or landfill without any form of recovery (recycling, reuse, recycling, reclamation or energy recovery). When they are not cremated and they are not biodegradable, they are to disintegrate, according to a UN study in 2006, a few decades to more than 1000 years. Over 10% of plastic packaging will end up in the ocean 120 million plastic bags will wash up on the French coastline.

There are two effects that explain the low recycling rate of 20% French:

1) Recyclables : plastic packaging that can be recycled are still limited bottles and vials. So go in garbage bags, plastic cups, yogurt containers, films, trays ...
2) Consumer behavior : if 9 out of 10 French practice sorting, less than 50% of packaging plastics are sorted

In a study published in December 2009, ADEME believes it is technically and economically feasible to increase the recycling rate for plastic packaging from 21% to 37%: "Recycling other plastic packaging in more bottles and jars each year would avoid the emission of at least 350 000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. It as if 40 000 people no longer emits CO2 for one year. , "says the CNIID. And I would add that each ton of recycled plastic would save about 700 kg of crude oil.

What are today's solutions to reduce our consumption of plastic packaging and packaging users better value?

France is lagging behind in recycling plastic

If the plastic is the material with wood recycled the least in Europe, France is far from being the champion of recycling of emballages plastiques en Europe…

Ainsi, bien que le recyclage des plastiques en France ait été multiplié par 8 en 10 ans, les français ne trient encore qu’une bouteille en plastique sur deux alors que les Belges en trient 7 sur 10 et les Suisses 8 sur 10. Pourtant les français sont très volontaires en matière d’environnement, puisque 77% se disent prêts à boycotter un distributeur leur paraissant néfaste pour l’environnement (LSA Opinion Way Octobre 2007)

Pour parvenir au taux de recyclage de 75% de l’ensemble des emballages ménagers prévu par la loi «Grenelle I» (incluant donc papiers, cartons, glass ...) by 2012, improving the recycling of plastic packaging is a priority.

example, a study conducted in December 2009 by Pricewaterhouse Coopers on behalf of ADEME paves the way for more recycling of plastic products including: " The work showed that technically there is no serious obstacle, related to an expansion of recycling instructions, even if the adaptation of sorting centers and the establishment of a network is a challenge Surtr important organizational. From an environmental perspective, this extension of recycling instructions bring benefits additional environmental compared to a scenario where only the plastic bottles would be regenerated. The study concludes with a potential saving of 95,000 tonnes of oil, 350,000 tons of CO2 per 150 000 m3 of additional water consumed.

industry is also beginning to meet the expectations of consumers, particularly in developing products plastic cleaner, or in the case of distribution by removing the bags of cash and offering free reusable bags. According to a CSA poll conducted for the WWF in April 2005, 83% of French already approved the complete removal of disposable bags and 79% reported using alternative means.

In addition, 80 members of the Federation of Trade and Distribution (including Auchan, Carrefour, Casino ...) have planned to remove non-biodegradable plastic bags by the end of 2011. However, there remains the thorniest issues, like the issue of packaging and other abuses such as overpack, including the ability to extend the area of packaging designed to promote the product or brand.

Réduire les emballages plastiques, est-ce une bonne chose pour la France ?

En réalité, l’industrie de l’emballage plastique se porte très bien et tant mieux pour la France.

En Europe, le plastique occupe le premier rang pour les matériaux d’emballage, avec 38 % de part de marché. Et l'industrie française de l'emballage plastique occupe le 2e rang européen, derrière l’Allemagne.

Avec un chiffre d’affaires de 6,40 milliards d'euros en 2009 et un marché en en croissance de 2,5 % par an en moyenne (période 2004-2007), l’industrie de Packaging in France has 320 companies in a highly fragmented market (2 out of 3 companies with fewer than 100 employees) and employs 38,000 people.

If due to the reduction of cash bags in stores, the segment "bags and bags" is in decline, boxes, bins and boxes are in turn stable and articles closure (mainly bottles and carboys) are progressing.

But this market-changing experiences, as highlighted in a study of the Quebec government (if) on the French market forces or three areas of innovation:

1. relief packaging: manufacturers have a policy of debt relief products to optimize the use of raw materials and reduce energy consumption
2. Increased recycling
3. The search for new biodegradable materials example, Knauf Industry promotes solutions biodegradable or environmentally friendly materials such as PES -

It is my view that third axis will represent the biggest challenge, not only for French industry. Because of institutional pressure or government and consumer expectations, the global market for environmentally friendly packaging is made to explode. In fact, according to a study PikeSearch dating from January 2010, this market will double in five years globally, from 88 billion U.S. dollars in 2009 to 170,000,000,000 U.S. dollars in 2014.

From the same source, the biodegradable plastic packaging in 2005 accounted for 0.8% of the tonnage of plastic packaging placed on the European market. By 2015, they could represent 5 to 10%.

around the world, hunting is open plastic bag!

First place in the list of public enemies: plastic bags.

You use 280 per year (average per person in France in 2003) and U.S. 1500.

In many countries, plastic bags are beyond a major source of pollution, a significant visual nuisance, often called "white pollution". Here are some examples of policies implemented to reduce the intensity.

- Ireland: a tax has been in place since 2002. The consumer can buy a disposable bag in hand for 55 cents: the money and collected by the Ministry of Environment is used for projects of environmental cleanup. The government said that if the distribution simply replaced by plastic bags, paper bags, they would also be taxed (they are easier to recycle, studies suggest that their production releases more CO2 than bags plastic). Ireland is so happy with this as it has proposed to generalize the principle of polluter pays: taxes on receipts for ATM, taxes on chewing gum ...

- Britain : failure proposals to impose a tax

- Germany : systematization of plastic bags

pay - San Francisco : Ban plastic bags for distribution increased in 2007 and avoiding the dispersion of 5 million bags per month. The measure now interested other American cities, although the State of California has rejected the proposal of generalization ban plastic bags by 1 September 2010

- Los Angeles : failed proposals for impose a tax

- China: Ban plastic bags for 2008, while causing the closure of the largest manufacturer of plastic bags Chinese Suiping Huaqiang Plastic, employing 20,000 people at the time.

- Mexico : since 2009 ban the free distribution of plastic bags in shops in Mexico City, under a penalty of up to 71,000 Euros.

- Africa: In Mali, a law is moving from prohibiting "the production, possession, import, marketing and use of plastic bags." In Africa, Rwanda, Kenya, Eritrea, South Africa and Gabon have already banned plastic bags.

Le double effet environnement ou l’art d’améliorer son image en réduisant ses coûts

Dans le secteur alimentaire, l'emballage représenterait en moyenne 20% du coût du produit fini. Néanmoins, et j’ouvre rapidement une parenthèse, on pourrait considérer par exemple dans le cas des yaourts, qu’une réduction de l’emballage extérieur et donc de l’espace promotionnel sur le produit pourrait se traduire par une baisse des ventes et donc une baisse de la marge totale en valeur. Ainsi, ces 20% ne doivent pas être intégralement être considérés comme du packaging, mais partiellement comme un investissement marketing, So calling a return on investment.

Moreover, regardless of communication or visual texts, the quality of the package must be the image of the brand positioning. Thus, by positioning, Evian could not afford to sell bottles as thin as those of Crystalline ... but it would be in his interest to show the consumer that is sensitive to environmental issues.

Thus, Danone reduced by 20% in 10 years the weight of its bottles on all its brands (including Evian) and in 2007, the brand announced the Evian introduces recycled (PET recyclé-RPET) dans ses bouteilles.

Le double effet environnement est redoutable : amélioration de l’image de la marque ET réduction des coûts !

De manière générale, sur l’ensemble du marché, un travail d'éco-conception important a été réalisé en 20 ans puisque le poids de la bouteille d'eau minérale a diminué de plus du tiers (33 g en moyenne aujourd'hui), sans pour autant remettre en cause sa qualité essentielle : garantir la sécurité et la qualité originelle des eaux embouteillées jusqu'à la table du consommateur.

De la même manière, la distribution a largement profité de ce double effet environnement puisque selon une étude du ministère de l’écologie datant de Mars 2010, on serait passé de 10,5 milliards de sacs plastique distribués en France en 2002 à 1,5 milliard aujourd’hui, soit une baisse de 85% !

Enfin, on peut comprendre que cette tendance s’accélère compte-tenu de la récente hausse des prix des matières plastiques : +75% en 18 mois ! De 800 euros la tonne en décembre 2008, le prix du polyéthylène est ainsi passé à 1 400 euros la tonne en juillet 2010.

Les solutions sont aujourd’hui très claires mais we are only beginning

It would be impossible to make comprehensive overview of solutions or alternatives for recovery, but I would like here to present some solutions that I feel heart.

1. Alternatives to plastic: the glass is such a good idea?

Many plastics producers are now moving towards less polluting products, such as PES or other biodegradable materials.

A recent study by BIO Intelligence Service should be acknowledged. It compares the environmental impact of Tetra Pak (composed of layers of cardboard, aluminum and polyethylene), with plastic bottles and glass. Result of comparison of CO2 equivalent emitted throughout the life cycle (ie including construction): glass bottle: 345g, 129g plastic, brick: 87g. Surprising, no? Tetra Pak and added: " choose to buy a glass bottle of juice rather than a brick, is the issue of CO2 equivalent of nearly two kilometers by car .

2. The consignment for reuse and recycling ...?

Sweden is not it amazing? We practice the instruction for reuse of beverage packaging since ... the 1890s! And for the record since 1982 for recycling cans. In Germany, register for reuse of beverage packaging since the 50s and recycling since 2003. In France, there is neither one nor the other, and payment is largely limited to industrial packaging: drums, special boxes, pallets ...

However, the deposit system for reuse is simple and effective (rate of loss Germany very low, about 3 to 5%).

However, the system de consignation pour recyclage est plus controversé. En Allemagne, la consigne s'élève à 25 centimes pour les emballages ayant un contenu inférieur à 1,5 litres, et à 50 centimes au-delà. On paie ce supplément en caisse et on le récupère en déposant les bouteilles vides dans des automates en magasins. Si le système paraît simple, il n’existe néanmoins pas d’étude d’impact ou de performance qui démontrerait son efficacité, comme l’indique l’Ademe dans son étude de Mars 2009 : « En Allemagne, le système de consigne pour recyclage est remis en cause puisqu’il coûterait trois fois plus cher que la collecte sélective pour un résultat en terme d’impact sur le taux de recyclage équivalent au système autrichien qui ne possède pas de système de consigne pour recyclage. »

Pour enterrer définitivement la consigne pour recyclage, l’Ademe ajoute : « La mise en place de consignes pour recyclage peut entraîner une baisse d’usage des emballages réutilisables et influer ainsi ponctuellement sur le taux de recyclage, par une augmentation des quantités d’emballages réutilisables mis au rebus. […] Les producteurs de boissons estiment donc qu’il vaut mieux étendre les consignes de tri chez les ménages pour gagner des points de recyclage considérant que cela permet d’augmenter le périmètre des déchets traités par les éco-organismes et d’utiliser les infrastructures en place, permettant des gains d’échelles, plutôt que d’investir dans de nouvelles infrastructures et organisations. »

3. Le plastique comme combustible de substitution

Les matières plastiques, qui présentent un fort pouvoir calorifique, peuvent remplacer les combustibles et alimenter par exemple les fours à haute température des cimenteries en tant que Combustibles Solides de Récupération (CSR). Si on prend le cas des "sacs de sortie de caisse", ils sont en polyéthylène, un polymère composé exclusivement de carbone et d'hydrogène : à masse égale, c'est un carburant aussi énergétique que le fioul !

De nombreuses entreprises se développent fortement dans ce domaine en France (PAPREC, Valorplast, ou Lafarge) mais les CSR ne représentent aujourd’hui que 2% de la charge énergétique totale des combustibles utilisés par les cimenteries françaises : nous n’en sommes donc qu’au début. A titre de comparaison, en Allemagne et en Autriche ce taux atteint aujourd’hui 35%.

4. Vers d'autres formes de valorisation : sous les pavés, des sacs plastique !

Enfin, lorsqu'ils croient in re-emplastification (equivalent to reincarnation in plastic packaging), plastic packaging may be entitled to a second life, which Elipso ( ) provides a summary very clear (but I grant you Fuzzy!).

best for last: a new way to develop the plastic bags is to make them pavement, mixing the plastic fade to fine sand. Involved in the fight against extreme poverty in urban areas, NGOs have created a Bamako economic activity around this theme, by paying poor families who collect plastic bags littering the streets. The Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) in collaboration with the Government of Mali and 4 500m ² of paved streets in the city of Mopti in Mali using these new pavers. Today, AKTC and Nigerian NGO, RESEDA (business network to develop crafts) are collaborating to create the first factory for manufacturing plastic blocks in Mali.

I conclude this section by giving a voice to supporters of plastic that we describe as a lesser evil. The explorer Nicolas Vanier is somehow condoning and reminds us here in the case of auto-it also presents a number of environmental benefits, as such, it "lightens the vehicle and therefore limit its consumption and discharges induced.

ps: did you know? realizing this article, I learned things of great depth, as does it better flatten the bottles of water put Recycling in the lengthwise rather than crush them vertically (if). And I urge you, for you realize the effort that we have to provide in terms of sorting, to get tested for proper sorting plastic: sort-plastique_219.php
pps: no plastic bag has been thrown into the ocean during the writing of this article

Main sources:
http:// / article / the-community-want-of-ways-to-recycle-the-waste-plastics, 14529,9455,14448

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How Long Will A Silicone Fish Tank Last

Great food distribution: the price war will not happen ... at hard discounters

Après une excellente année 2008 et alors que la période de crise laissait présager une belle croissance au hard discount, la part de marché de celui-ci est en régression depuis 2009.

La principale cause généralement citée* est la politique tarifaire agressive super and hypermarkets , which explain the decrease in the average basket of hard discount stores including the most expensive products. If Leclerc (still very aggressive on prices) has had recently quit his fault Guarantee Promo readability, other groups have joined the race at low price: for example Intermarché and his campaign on the "good deals", Auchan and communication focused mainly on price, and Carrefour and its range of products at low prices (Carrefour Discount) whose prices are aligned with those of discount stores. What

alternative so for discounters ? Se differentiate and innovate.

Why not indeed, said the LSA puique as last May, nearly 60% of consumers when they speak speak fun shopping in supermarkets and half the French say they are willing to forego their usual product for a novelty!

To cope, discounters (hard and soft) so they change course .

Ed / Dia: launches last June loyalty card in France with a system for immediate delivery twice a month for fifteen days.

Leader Price: Integrating this month of national brands in its linear 250 references about this fall (~ 7% of supply), expands its range of fresh produce and launch the Bio discount, more in line with consumer expectations and Urban responding to the problem of limited budget

Netto: single Hard discounter to succeed at the game, benefited from the success of its new concept: building supply, introduction of national brands, creating a private label Netto and implementation of a promotion system consisting of original batch virtual regressive (the more you buy, the more the discount is significant) - Brezet Frederick, Director of the brand speaks of a " hard discount supermarket, with the convenience of buying supermarket "

The challenge of the hard discounters, which already have the competitive advantage of proximity but are losing the price, is differentiation.

In parallel, key issues for large signs , super and hypermarkets, are of course their price positioning but also ad aptation to new shopping patterns , mainly through close ( see my article on this blog ) and innovations in multi .

The question today on the positioning of actors hard discount who behave like supermarkets is whether they are not walking into a middle way, to obscure the consumer who stands to lose heavily in readability ...

*: In addition to aggressive pricing of major retailers, you can also add to the reasons for the loss of speed of the hard discount: 1. because of the crisis, diminishing food budget poorest people, the main clientele of hard discounters 2. The repeal of the Galland law which allowed a lower price les marques nationales

Sources : LSA numéros de Mai-Juin-Juillet 2010, Linéaires 07/12/09 "Nouveau concept Netto", Etude Precepta Mai 2009 "Enjeux de la distribution alimentaire", L'Expansion 13/07/10, Etude LSA / Nielsen 2009 "Nouvelle année record pour le hard discount"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Port Royale 2 Moninpeli

Bricorama shows the way ... and runs away!

« Bricorama électro suffisant et vert » : c’est le titre d’un article de Décisions Durables , un nouveau magazine que j’apprécie énormément pour sa qualité éditoriale, la pertinence de ses sujets, ainsi que pour le caractère très business oriented de ses articles. But this is not the subject!

Bricorama investing in 2006 then in 2008 in a wind farm that allows him produce more energy than it consumes ! With 12 turbines and an output of 24 MW (a device that would meet the energy needs of 24,000 people), the group is undoubtedly an example to follow.

But what the article does not mention is that trying to sell Bricorama its wind farm Breton since 2008 ( the year of its inauguration and after having invested 12 million Euros) but found no buyer. In its 2009 annual report published last April, the group class in the power generation assets to be transferred, thereby incorporating a tax benefit associated with the termination of the net assets of approximately 4 to 5 m illion euros. The group may well show a net increase of 3.3% over the previous year. What would have happened if he had kept his Bricorama park?

Net income decreased by 15% ... for the second consecutive year! We understand better maneuver. But the real question is why did he not Bricorama anticipated this charge corporation tax on its wind farm? I believe the group had good early but found himself in one of the following two cases:

1. Speculation: the group had planned to realize a quick gain on the construction and subsequent sale of its wind farm enjoying the favorable development of green energy (regional grants / ADEME? (1) declining balance accelerated granted to equipment renewable energy production? (2) Reduction 50% of the rental value for equipment to save energy? (2))

2. Optimism: the group planned to better results in 2008 (including greater increase of sales, less sharp deterioration in financial results ...) and had to quickly find a way to improve its bottom line - hence the lack of communication on electro-sufficiency that would Bricorama yet been very supportive of his image

But leaving aside the resale of the wind farm and its Bricorama mysterious reasons, I would still like to note Bricorama that the example is a very good line of differentiation for companies who wish to show their commitment to environmental issues (even when their actions do not allow them to become electro-sufficient): evaluate for example the cost of installation of solar panels on roofs of shops or the impact would have on the consumer the construction of a wind (even if only 250 or 500 kW) on parking their hypermarket ...


(2): tax-savings-to-energy-and-renewable-energies

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Swolen Submandibular Alcohol

Should we ban the carrot? My grocer

The financial incentives are a lever of motivation that works well.

Obviously, since we have always used and still use them. But this shows that Daniel Pink, is that they operate only on simple tasks, for which the objective is clearly defined and do not work or even degrade performance On tasks that require to be creative, to have innovative ideas .

Daniel Pink explains it with passion on this video 18mn (based on science demonstrations and examples of the corporate world) and we Exort a management leaving more room for initiative personal give more autonomy collaborators: besides 50% of Google's innovations, including Gmail and Google News, were invented during the 20% backup time left by the U.S. company to its employees. ..

PS:Merci à Emmanuel d'avoir posté cette vidéo en commentaire de mon premier article !

PPS:Et pour aller plus loin, je vous renvoie à l'article de Wikipedia sur l'Overjustification effect dont voici un extrait intéressant :

Researchers promised a group of 3–5 year old children that they would receive a "good player" ribbon for drawing with felt-tipped pens. A second group of children played with the pens and received an unexpected reward (the same ribbon), and a third group was not given a reward. All of the children played with the pens, a typically enjoyable activity for preschoolers. Later, when observed in a free-play setting, the children who received a reward that had been promised to them played significantly less with the felt-tipped pens. The researchers concluded that expected rewards undermine intrinsic motivation in previously enjoyable activities. A replication of this experiment found that rewarding children with certificates and trophies decreased intrinsic interest in playing math games.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Heal Facial Swelling After Laser

there a chance of survival against the supermarkets which is locate in downtown? How to store positioning

Le modèle du petit épicier is back from hell

Depuis le début des années 1990 et jusqu'en 2008, local trade in food has constantly reduce the number of establishments (see graph below cons) while the consumption of products they offer increased: it was the rise of supermarkets and hypermarkets (GMS).

But in 2009, while for the first time in 30 years the turnover of the GMS is in decline, returns to the front near the stage: while the CA hypermarkets down in 2009 by 6.3% and 1.7% super, the CA signs of Nearby progresses, he, of 1.6%.

Thus, according to the study Shopper 2009 (Simm - TNS), nearly 80% of French consumers surveyed say they will do their shopping close to home in 2009 against 66% in 2002. Consumers continue to attend their hyper but 2 times a month rather than once a week old.

The client is looking so unless you move but also to create a friendly relationship with its new shopping district for goods much cheaper than traditional power supplies general but nevertheless agrees to pay 10% more on average than in hypermarkets.

But retailers in search of the vicinity should be based on new concepts

Because to succeed in the ultra-close, retail meets a new target urban fashion life faster (requiring wider opening hours, increasing the gain in time ...) and eating habits changing. Here is a brief overview is not exhaustive:

1. The clout of large retailers in downtown

Groupe Casino:
- Monop ': Launched in 2005, the company offers a focused mainly on fresh produce, groceries and deli classic, and most of the beauty and skin care, crafts and stationery.

- Franprix Market launches new concept in late 2008: a clean environment with plasma rather as posters, radii larger than average, more and more private label frozen. Objective: from 800 stores today to 1,000 in 2012!

- Leader Price has seen his image in 2010 and launched its new concept more attractive visuals, focusing on price and promotions, more fresh produce and organic products. Objective: from 600 stores today to 1,000 in 2014!


- Carrefour market: launched in 2009 to replace the Champion stores, Carrefour market offers a more diversified and new departments such as culinary arts, fashion and the beauty, culture and recreation ... And nearly 20% of private label products.

- Dia: successful launch of the Dia stores ("hard discount stores soft discount") in France in 2009 - focus on price but with more user-friendly environment, more fruits and vegetables , a new deli, snacking ... Objective: to continue the transformation of Ed Dia stores (950 stores)


- Simply Market: Established in 2005, but new concept launched in 2009 (processing Atac stores): supermarket Urban focusing on a reduced range and a discount on the permanent label (no promotions: low prices all year)

- Auchan Groumand : First brand launched in Marseille in 2009 by LSA favors purchases pleasure, with priority to fresh produce, hygiene, health and beauty and art of the table decoration. Positioning medium-high range.

2. New concepts of urban stores: distribution and restoration

With the growth of fast food which is no longer necessarily associated with junk food, amount of players are positioned on the market snacking quality urban: Exki, Day, Bert's, Lina's, Cojean ...

And before such an opportunity, retail, who has both food and strength typing needed to enter this fast growing market:

- Dailymonop ': Launched in 2005, these stores are open 6 days a week 7 until midnight, and offer is based primarily on the restoration fast (sandwiches, salads, desserts, fruits, drinks) with an area of consumption

- Carrefour City : Launched in 2009, focuses on quality and freshness with a large supply of fruits, vegetables, breads and pastries; products and urban nomads as snacks, treats or ur world products and organic products . Following the example of Dailymonop 'Carrefour City offers its brands in a lounge area where customers can come and eat his sandwich caterer or its product. Objective: To continue the transformation of Carrefour City Shop (400 in 2010) and develop the Carrefour Contact at the entrance or in the heart of small towns

- Chez Jean (joint venture casino and Relay): launched in 2009, this convenience store offers a range of snacks (sandwiches, salads, pastries, desserts ...), grocery shopping for troubleshooting (650 references) and services (bread, newspapers, internet ...) Note that the comment about Bernard Buono, Director General at BETC Euro RSCG: "[...] One could almost speak of psychological proximity, both handwritten typography gives the impression that the grocer named Jean and he wrote by hand on the place its advertising sales. The brands need to capture this close targets moving away hypermarkets. "

Other concepts are quite similar to Carrefour City were launched, but I do not go into here (enough readers have already clicked the little X in the upper right), I think especially to U Express intermarché Express.

my grocer So how will he be different?

I have partially answered the question by referring new players in the snack quality (type Exki, Bert's, etc ...), which may offer, in addition to catering, sales of fresh food. It certainly beginning of a response to the distribution targeted at urban high purchasing power but not a real alternative to a convenience store downtown.

So, to answer this question, I put my e-pen (NDB: I have indeed enough m'électrocuter fingers every time I dip my pen in my e-ink e) and you book directly the views of key stakeholders, the National Association of Convenience (yes, really: ):

"Faced with competition from large distribution, retailing can keep downtown or in rural areas provided they offer additional services and flexible hours or extended.

To distinguish itself from its competitors, the designer can offer a wide range of services: Photocopying, appropriate schedules, sales of non-food, grill, selling fresh produce, relay station, etc. .

Vendors may specialize in selling fruit and vegetables (profitable for a geek).

must in any case the maximum target products based on customer preference welcome: smile services, contacts, product quality
... But also know how to play the card associations of traders.

To stand out, one must be attentive to its customers and explore their environment. "

To conclude, I would cite Pierrot Da Costa, Orchard retailer (Cours des Halles in Paris) and Vice-President The network Fruitier, which declares on the website of the Rungis market:

"We can not fight against the supermarkets on price but on quality and breadth of our product range. I'm 42 years old and I 'I started in business 12 years. I have confidence in the future of local shops because there will always be challenging for retailers to find the right products and people demanding to eat .... "

Sources: Linear
magazine in January 2010
Study Simm TNS Media Intelligence "Shopper 2009"
Study "The market for fast food: new concepts," Xerfi
http://www.mediaslibres June 2009. com/tribune/post/2010/02/18/Grande-distribution-et-proximite

Thursday, June 17, 2010

How Long Can You Live With One Kidney

high price by investing in an equitable production and foxes Hedgehogs

The tea market in France is a gold mine. Today, two out of three French consume tea while twelve years ago, they were just two. At the same time, the turnover of the market has doubled from today to 500 million euros.

But with more and more varieties of teas on the market and compete more fiercely than before, Lipton's hard to justify its higher price positioning. So, after playing the card of health for several years highlighting the antioxidant properties of the tea (which is no longer a differentiating factor today), Lipton decided to invest 5 million Euros in a new axis of differentiation qualify it part of its tea production by the Rainforest Alliance to make it fair. Lipton and therefore we take today party with his new slogan: "Your cup of tea can do much"

NDB: Lipton implies that perhaps we can also use a cup of tea to drink the soup - each interpreter as they wish .

In 2010, all bags Lipton sold in Western Europe have the label of the Rainforest and the rest of world sales should be certified by 2015. The Western Europe is indeed by far the most sensitive target for this type of problem, since 75% of world production of organic tea is destined for Europe and the United States.

This case is interesting in my opinion because it clearly shows the reality of the impact of responsible purchasing behavior on brand positioning and in particular a mark of a large group Unilever ... Ah yes, allowing the latter to justify a high price positioning.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

What Is The Difference Between Period Cramps And

: Are you ready to become a hedgehog?

"The fox knows Many Things, to the hedgehog knows one big thing." -
metaphor is developed by Isaiah Berlin in his book The hedgehog and the fox, which is based on Daniel H. Pink to describe the role of our cerebral hemispheres.

the way, hello everyone and welcome, this is my blog! You'll find things that seem interesting and I invite you to respond and share with me what you think is relevant in your meetings, your reading, your interests ... Now back to our fox!

The fox is the left-brainer: analytical, logical and rational, he sees the details and not synthesis. The hedgehog, which represents the right-brainer, is instinctive, it perceives the emotions and will see the "big picture", the situation in its entirety rather than the details.

The thesis develops Daniel H. Pink is that we pass the information age, dominated by the fox, the Conceptual Age, which saw the advent of the hedgehog. Note from blogger
: no, the future clearly does not lack spice.

Because of material abundance, which develops in us more than non-material needs (yes, really), because of globalization, which generates equally efficient competitors and we are cheaper across the globe and because of the power of current technologies that replace some analytical work, the values that will weigh on the future job market will be radically different those of today.

then less will be valued knowledge workers: lawyers, doctors, engineers and managers in business (sorry, 90% of readers of this blog), which have the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and analytical methods for the benefit of people skills with "high concept" and "high touch".

High concept: those who have the ability to identify patterns (economic or otherwise) and opportunities to tell a story, combining two seemingly unrelated things into something new ...

High touch: those which are capable of experiencing empathy for others, understand the intricacies of human relationships, communicate to others the joy ...

I am totally persuaded by his speech and well put together! If you're curious pick up the book is well researched and enjoyable read - I also invite you to tell me what you think. And soon for an evening Foxes vs. Hedgehogs

... Happy reading!

A Whole New Mind, Daniel H. Pink -1

Sunday, May 16, 2010

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Follow this link to purchase the Expert Hosting

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