Saturday, February 12, 2011

Brazilian Wax Full Movie

Former intermittent, it must repay more than 35,000 euros

La décision du tribunal des affaires civiles Caen back to last Tuesday: that day, he condemned an actor / director to refund to the former Assedic tidy sum and very accurate 35,400 euros. Reason: he had recorded in his claims of hours worked per job center considered as hours of instruction. A trial which is now bound the National Union of arts (Synave). He responded this weekend by a statement saying that "the attitude of employment center is intolerable" and that the sentence is "extremely serious". It "reflects a misunderstanding of the business of artists today who are involved more and more to initiate different audiences in artistic practices, "said the union." This touches a key battle Synave 10 years which is to recognize the artist involved, not just the performer. But to our knowledge this is the first time we see such a conviction, "added Lawrence Frattale Delegate National Synave." It is time to end this hypocrisy, "Pascale Cauchy, Vice President, Europe Ecology Greens (EELV) Regional Council of Lower Normandy for Culture, for its part considers that "it is time to end this hypocrisy, to give a respectful status of artists." According to the group Europe Ecologie Les Verts, ce comédien "actuellement au RSA et touchant moins de 500 euros par mois, après avoir perdu statut d'intermittent en 2005, se voit condamné à verser sans délais l'équivalent de 70 mois de revenus qu'il touche aujourd'hui et ce, pour des faits datant d'il y a plus de 7 ans". La réglementation veut qu'au delà de 55 heures par an, les "actions artistiques" soient comptabilisées comme des heures d'enseignement et non comme du temps comptant pour le statut d'intermittent, a-t-il ajouté.


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